Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The “7th Salzburg International Conference on Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia” will be held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan from 21-25 September, 2023. The conference is jointly organized by the University of Salzburg/Center for the Study of the Christian East (ZECO) and the International Institute for Central Asian Studies (IICAS).
Hotel Mövenpick Samarkand, 140100 Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
Date and Schedule:
Wed, Sept. 20: Arrival
Thu, Sept. 21: Registration: 10:00-12:00; Afternoon: Conference Section; Evening: Welcome Reception
Fri, Sept. 22: Conference (full day)
Sat, Sept. 23: Conference (full day)
Sun, Sept. 24: Day trip to Urgut Suleiman tepa archaeological excavation site and Samarkand city tour
Mon, Sept. 25: Conference (full day)
Tue, Sept. 26: Departure
Tue-Wed, Sept. 26-27: A two-day trip to Bukhara (Optional)
An official call for papers together with information on conference details will be sent out in late December, 2023. A scientific committee with members from ZECO and IICAS will select the final papers for presentation.
For further inquiries, please contact Dr Li Tang at
Best Regards
Dietmar W. Winkler & Li Tang
(University of Salzburg/ZECO)
Dmitriy Voyakin
(International institute for Central Asian Studies, Uzbekistan)
Kevin White, DPhil (c)
Research Associate
Center for Eastern Christian Studies (ZECO)