Chee Kai Chan & Daniel Torrano. 1st year Medical students’ learning style preference and their correlation with performance in different subjects within the medical course. BMC Medical Education.2017. 17(1) 131.
Chee Kai Chan, Paul Beaver, Ayana Arystan, Kathryn Goozee, Ralph Martins. 2015. Application of nutrigenomics for personalized intervention of Alzheimer’s disease and metabolic syndrome. The Herald of the Medical Center of President’s affairs administration of the republic of Kazakhstan 2015; 1(58): 58-60.
C McDermott, S Diepstraten, J Vadolas, B McColl, CK Chan, A Hart. 2015. Reactivation of gamma-globin using CRISPR-CAS9 as a potential gene therapy for beta-thalassemia. Journal of Gene Medicine 17 (8-9), 214-214
S Diepstraten, J Vadolas, B McColl, CK Chan, A Hart 2015. A Novel system for analysis and manipulation of Human Globin gene switching in vitro. Journal of Gene Medicine 17 (8-9), 206-206
Stephen R Doyle, Ph.D.; Naga R.P. Kasinadhuni; Chee Kai Chan; Warwick N Grant (2013) Evidence of evolutionary constraints that influences the sequence composition and diversity of mitochondrial matrix targeting signals. PLos ONE 8(6). e67938.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067938.
Duy Huynh; Dilara Akcora; Jordane Malaterre; Chee-Kai Chan; Xu-Ming Dai; Ivan Bertoncello; E. Richard Stanley; Robert George Ramsay (2013) CSF1 Receptor-Dependent colon development, homeostasis and inflammatory stress response. PLoS ONE 8 (2) e56951.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056951
Stephen R Doyle, Chee Kai Chan and Warwick Grant (2011) Enhanced annealing of mismatched oligonucleotides using a novel melting curve assay allows efficient in vitro discrimination and restriction of a single nucleotide polymorphism. BMC Biotechnology, 11:83doi:10.1186/1472-6750-11-83
Chee Kai Chan, Adam Hart, Anna Lister, Stephen Doyle (2011). Learning styles of 3rd year Genetics Students and their Affection and Perception of effectiveness of a range of Instructional Modes. Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science and mathematics Education. 121.
Michal Ugarenko, Chee-Kai Chan, Abraham Nudelman, Ada Rephaeli, Suzanne M Cutts, Don R Phillips (2009). Development of pluronic micelle-encapsulated doxorubicin and formaldehyde-releasing prodrugs for localized anticancer chemotherapy. Oncology Research. 17(7): 283-99
Duy Huynh, Xu-Ming Dai, Sayan Nandi, Sally Lightowler, Melanie Trivett, Chee-Kai Chan, Ivan Bertoncello, Robert G Ramsay, E Richard Stanley. (2009) Colony stimulating factor-1 dependence of paneth cell development in the mouse small intestine. Gastroenterology. 137(1): 136-44, 144.
Stephen R Doyle, Chee Kai Chan (2008). Mitochondrial gene therapy: an evaluation of strategies for the treatment of mitochondrial DNA disorders. Human Gene Therapy. Dec;19(12): 1335-48
Stephen R Doyle, Chee Kai Chan (2007). Differential intracellular distribution of DNA complexed with polyethylenimine (PEI) and PEI-polyarginine PTD influences exogenous gene expression within live COS-7 cells. Genetic Vaccines and Therapy. 5: 11
Duy D. Huynh, E. Vincan, T. Mantamadiotis, D. Purcell, CK Chan R. Ramsay (2007) Oncogenic properties of HIV-Tat in colorectal cancer cells. Current HIV Research, 5(4): 403-9.
Tania Blanksby & Chee Kai Chan (2006) Feedback assessment of Science report writing for first year Genetics students . UNISERVE Symposium, Assessment in Science Teaching and Learning. 161.
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Duy K. Pham and Chee Kai Chan. (2005) Impact of Polymeric Surfaces on Oligonucleotides Immobilization for Lab-On-A-Chip Applications, Trends in DNA Research (Nova Science Publishers) Edit: Corey Woods
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Hubner, S. et al. (1999) Plant importin alpha binds nuclear localization sequences with high affinity and can mediate nuclear import independent of importin beta. J Biol Chem 274 (32), 22610-22617
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Chan, C.K. and Jans, D.A. (1999) Synergy of importin alpha recognition and DNA binding by the yeast transcriptional activator GAL4. FEBS Lett 462 (1-2), 221-224
Jans, D.A. et al. (1998) Signals mediating nuclear targeting and their regulation: application in drug delivery. Med Res Rev 18 (4), 189-223
Chan, C.K. et al. (1998) Mutual exclusivity of DNA binding and nuclear localization signal recognition by the yeast transcription factor GAL4: implications for nonviral DNA delivery. Gene Ther 5 (9), 1204-1212
Goh NK, Chan CK & Chia LS. (1995). A comparison of the differences of two teaching strategies in the modification of students misconceptions in science. ACCESS , 13(2); 161-171.
Goh NK, Chan CK & Chia LS. (1995). Gender differences, misconceptions and instruction in Science. Singapore J. Edu. 15: 33-41.