
This is how you can get involved:


Digs: A Call for Archeological Excavation Teams

We welcome university archeology departments to consider partnering in this pioneer field, just beginning to be rediscovered. In addition to inviting interested archelogy departments, the Department of Nestorian Studies would like to invite other school, university and other interested groups to come to Kazakhstan to participate in ongoing archeological projects. Teams can assist as volunteers assisting with excavations under the supervision of professional archeologists.

We will work on our side to make the experience as rich as possible, including some tourist excursions and cultural programs in addition to the excavations. We encourage school and university groups to coordinate with their academic advisors for potential field experience credits. We would be willing to assist any institutions with suggested reading lists and other components which would allow a student to benefit from this experience to the fullest extent.

Academic Partnerships

We would welcome departments from universities and schools, which may wish to collaborate in research efforts. Experts in the field of Syriac Christianity, Medieval and Silk Road historians, and other relevant faculties are welcome to join along with such excavations, assisting with onsite analysis and interpretation.

Additional development opportunities could include organizing student and professor exchange programs, guest lecturers, and visiting scholars. Other academic collaboration could include organizing Syriac Christianity forums, symposiums, and conferences. The Department of Nestorian Studies is actively promoting the creation of faculty chairs in Syriac Christianity in Central Asian universities. Indeed opportunities are extensive.

Donating Finances, Equipment, and other Resources

The goal of the Department of Nestorian Studies is primarily to facilitate an atmosphere for collaboration for those with an interest to get involved. In addition to teams for excavations, we also welcome potential donors who may be interested in partnering with some of our strategies. We have various funding needs ranging from administrative support, translation work, and developing our research library to organizing conferences and other events.

 In a formal collaborative partnership, we look forward to assisting your institution in facilitating your research interests in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Your expertise will indeed provide a very valuable contribution to the developing research in Nestorian Studies in Kazakhstan as well as Central Asia. We are looking forward to your synergy and experience. On the behalf of the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences, we are looking forward to a great working relationship and hope our team can together make a significant contribution to this developing field in Central Asia.

We welcome your feedback, input, as well as any suggestions you may have on how we can better develop our department. Please consider getting involved and helping us in any way you and your institution would like to get involved.

If interested, please feel free to contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.