Excavation team investigates curious find

Drs. Christoph Baumer and Karl Baipakov discuss citadel excavation site, as Research Assistant Zhuldyz Tashmanbetova looks on.

Drs. Christoph Baumer and Steven Gilbert discuss excavation, with Chief Researcher Dr. Dimitri Voyakin.

Department of Nestorian Studies Chief Researcher Dr. Dimitri Voyakin discusses with Research Assistant Zhuldyz Tashmanbetova.

Kazakhstan volunteers at work.

Zhuldyz Tashmanbetova, recent graduate of Nazarbayev University (MA Eurasian Studies) and Research Assistant for the Department of Nestorian Studies, assists in tour of Issyk Museum, site of the Golden Man.

Drs. Nicholas Sims-Williams and Peter Zieme analyze ancient script found at site of the Golden Man. Dr. Sims-Williams, Emeritus Professor at SOAS, University of London, is a world renown philologist and expert on Sogdian, Bactrian and other ancient Central Asian languages. Dr. Peter Zieme is Emeritus Professor of the Institute of Turcology in Berlin, Germany. He is an expert of old Uighur language and culture, and published on Turfan manuscripts.

Dr. Anthony Watson, PhD Cambridge and expert on Central Asian religious history, is joined by two of his students of Woodberry Forest School.

Dr. Steven Gilbert, Research Fellow of Tandy Archeological Institute, provides tour of Ilibalik site to conference scholars.

Dr. Charles Stewart, independent researcher from St. Thomas University in Houston, Texas, describes medieval bath house complex uncovered at Ilibalik.

Dr. Erica Hunter, Professor at SOAS, University of London, provides valuable insight on aspects of the Ilibalik excavation. Dr. Hunter is an expert on Eastern Christianity and Turfan Christian manuscripts.

The best audience.

Dr. Dietmar Winkler of the University of Salzburg gives opening remarks. In foreground is Kevin White, Dr. Dimitri Voyakin (Director of International Institute of Central Asian Studies), and Dr. Li Tang.

Head of Department of Nestorian Studies Kevin White gives opening remarks.

Kevin White, Dr. Dimitri Voyakin, and Dr. Dietmar Winkler listen to keynote speaker Dr. Li Tang.

Conference group photo.

Conference organizers Kevin White, Dr. Dietmar Winkler and Dr. Li Tang discuss the conference.